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Programa Study Buddy da USAC.

25/07/2018 15:32

The USAC Study Buddy Program is an initiative for UFSC students to have an exchange experience by practicing another language, getting to know other cultures and making new friends.

At first, USAC will promote a few integration events, and later the UFSC student will keep in touch with his/hers study buddy and the USAC team. If you are a student interested in participating in the Study Buddy Program you will need to:

– Have free time to meet with your buddy frequently;

– Participate in the extra activities promoted by USAC;

– Include your buddy in your social activities and help him/her with getting to know the local culture.

You will also need to be able to communicate in English in order to help your buddy learn Portuguese while you practice your English skills.

If you are interested in becoming a Study Buddy and meeting USAC exchange students, fill out this form.

Fonte: http://sinter.ufsc.br/2018/07/23/usac-esta-com-inscricoes-abertas-para-o-programa-de-buddies/?lang=en

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